2. CP - Beyond the Wall

Benjen Stark
Unique Stark character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Mil
Traits = Night’s Watch
No attachments except weapon. Stealth.
Response: After Benjen Stark comes into play, choose and stand 1 Night’s Watch character or choose and kneel 1 Wildling character.

Frozen Moat
Stark location
Cost = 1
Traits = Winterfell
Challenges: Kneel Frozen Moat to choose 1 attacking character. Until the end of the challenge, treat that character as if its printed text box were blank.

Lord Tywin’s Man
Lannister character
Cost = 2
STR = 2
Icons = Mil, Pow
Traits = Ally
While Lord Tywin’s Man is attacking, Lannister characters cannot defend.

Cersei’s Wheelhouse
Lannister location
Cost = 2
Traits = Vehicle
Reduce the initiative value on each player’s revealed plot card to 0.

Zealot of the Light
Baratheon character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Int, Pow
Traits – Asshai
Crest = Holy
Response: After you win dominance, kneel Zealot of the Light to discard 1 card at random from any 1 opponent’s hand.

Compelled by the King
House Baratheon only.
Response: If an opponent would win dominance, cancel the dominance count. You automatically win dominance this phase.

Nute the Barber
Unique Greyjoy character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Mil
Traits = Ironborn. Ally.
Crest = War
Any Phase: Discard 1 card from your hand to give Nute the Barber +1 STR until the end of the phase.

The Seastone Chair
Unique Greyjoy location
Cost = 3
Traits = Iron Islands
Response: After you win a challenge in which at least 1 NOBLE character participated, choose 1 of the following: claim 1 power for your House, add 2 gold to your gold pool, or draw 1 card. (You may select each option once per round.)

Maegi Crone
Targaryen character
Cost = 3
STR = 1
Icons = Int
Traits = Ally
Response: After a character’s STR is reduced to 0, draw 1 card.

Meereenese Brothel
Targaryen location
Cost = 1
Traits = The East
Response: After a character’s STR is lowered by a card effect, kneel Meereenese Brothel to choose and discard an attachment from play.

Maester of Lemonwood
Martell character
Cost = 2
STR = 2
Icons = Int
Trait = Maester
Response: After you play Maester of Lemonwoon from your hand, choose and discard any number of Condition attachments from play.

Bronze Shield
Martell attachment
Cost = 1
Traits = Weapon. Armor.
Attach to a Martell character you control
Response: After an opponent plays an event card, kill attached character to cancel the effects of that event. Then, if it is summer, draw a card.

Unique neutral character
Cost = 2
STR = 2
Icons = (none)
Traits = Night’s Watch
No attachments. Stealth.
Stonesnake can declare stealth on characters with stealth.

Traitorous Crow
Neutral character
Cost = s1
STR = 3
Icons = (none)
Traits = Night’s Watch. Wildling.
Crest = Shadows
No attachments.
After Traitorous Crow comes out of Shadows, choose and discard 1 Night’s Watch or 1 Wildling character from play.

Yoren’s Task
Any Phase: Discard 1 Night’s Watch character from play to search your deck for 1 different Night’s Watch character, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

Mammoth Riders
Neutral character
Cost = 3
STR = 8
Icons = Mil
Traits = Wildling. Army.
Crest = War
No attachments.
At the end of the challenge phase, return Mammoth Riders to your hand if it is still in play.
After you play Mammoth Riders, you cannot play further cards from your hand this round.

Craster’s Keep
Unique neutral location
Cost = 2
Traits = The North
Response: After you play a Wilding character from your hand, reduce the cost of the next Wildling you play this phase by 1.

Beyond the Wall
Neutral location
Cost = 3
Traits = The North
Wildling character you control do not kneel to attack, and cannot defend.

The Free Folk
Unique Agenda
Traits = The North.
You may run any number of The North agendas. You need 2 additional power to win the game.
Wildling characters you control gain stealth.

Fear of Winter
Income = 2
Initiative = 4
Claim = 2
Each player cannot play or put into play more than 1 card from his or her hand until you reveal a new plot card.