2. CP - A Time of Trials

Takže Tzumainnovy stránky stále ještě zaostávají a Tzu samotný se na scéně AGoTu poslední dobou moc neobjevuje, proto opět přidávám spoiler na karty tentokráte z 2 CP z cyklu King’s Landing a to Time of Trials.
Tento CP ještě nevyšel v angličtině, ale jelikož ve Španělsku už je v distribuci (dříve než v USA, jak je obvyklé), tak vám přináším jeho obsah.
Jedná se o amatérský překlad ze španělštiny a tak prosím omluvte chyby či drobné nepřesnosti. Postupem bude opraveno pokud bude nutné
Opět bych chtěl připomenou, že hvězdička před jménem udává, že je charakter unikátní a počet v závorce kolikrát se karta v CP vyskytuje. U ceny charakteru kde je napsáno malé „s“, tak právě značí, že se jedná o Shadow kartu a má i shadow crest.

edit Dandali 12.8 - aktualizovány názvy karet

Tento CP jako druhý podporuje již zmíněnou Shadow mechaniku a tak není divu, že oplývá krásnými kartami s touto tématikou. Zde je:

*Catelyn Stark. (Stark, Character) - 1x
Cost 3
Strength 3. Intrigue. Power. Noble Crest.
If it is Winter and you have at least 1 card on the shadows, your oponents cannot declare intiruge challenges against you.

*Septa Mordane (Stark, Character) - 1x
Cost 2
Strength 2. Intrigue. Crest Holy
Any Phase: Kneel Septa Mordena to choose an attacking character. Until the end of the phase, that character receives -X strenght, where x is equal to the number of cards in the shadows.

Storm Dancer (Stark, Location) - 3x
Cost 2
Response: After you win a challenge as a defender, kneel Storm dancer to draw a card. If it`s winter and you have at least one card in the shadows you draw 3 cards instead.

*Cersei Lannister (Lannister, Character) - 1x
Cost 3
Strength 3 Intrique. Power. Crest Noble
Lady Queen
Response: After you win an intrigue challenge in wich Cersei Lannister participated, choose and kneel up to X non army characters, where x is the number of cards in the shadow you control.

Gold Cloaks (Lannister, Character) - 3x
Cost s2 Strength 4 Militar Power. Shadow Crest
Ally. Mercenary
Only House Lannister. No attachments except Weapon
Response: After Gold Cloaks comes out of the shadows, draw a card for every mercenary character you control.

A Fistful of Coins. (Event) - 1x
Cost s0. Crest Shadow
Only House Lannister
Response: After a handfull of coins comes out of the shadows, take 2 golden dragons from the vault and put them in your golden dragon ¿box?.

*Sweet Cersei (Lannister. Location) - 3x
Cost 2
Any phase: Pay 1 Gold so one Lannister character from of your choice gets +1 strength until the end of the phase.

*Moon Boy (Character. Baratheon) - 1x
Cost 3
Strenght 2. Power
Plot: Discard Moon Boy from the game to choose one opponent with at least 1 plot card in his used plot pile. The next time the opponent has to choose a plot in this phase, the choosen card must come from his used plot pile. Limit one per game.

Abandoned Forge (Baratheon. Location)- 1x
Cost s0. Crest Shadows
King's landing
Only House Baratheon. No attachments except weapon
Response: After the Abandoned smithy comes out of the shadows, pay x gold to look into your deck for x weapon attachments and attach it to Abandoned Smithy.
Any phase: Kneel the Abandoned Smithy to take one attachment from the Abandoned Smithy to your hand.

*Balon Greyjoy (Character, Greayjoy)- 1x
Cost 4
Strength 3. Military. Power. Crest Noble
Lord Ironborn
Only House Greyjoy
Response: After one card with a shadow crest has been discarded form a player's deck, kneel 1 influence or one crest character to take that card to the shadows under your control. Limit one per phase.

Balon's Rebellion (Event) - 3x
Only House Greyjoy
Any Phase: Kneel a Greyjoy lord to kneel X location of your choice, where x is the strength of the character knelt.

Street Waif (Character, Targaryen) - 3x
Cost 2
Strength 1
Any Phase: Kneel Homeless to choose an opponent. If you have more than one card in your discard pile, that opponent must choose one card from that pile. Return that card to your hand.

Tears of Lys (Attachment, Targaryen) - 3x
Cost 1
Item. Venom
Attached character gains an intrigue icon and the deadly.
Response: After a an opponent's character dies in an intrigue challenge, discard the Tears of Lys to draw a card

The Shadow from the East (Event) - 3x
Cost s0
Small council. Crest Shadow
Only house Targaryen
Response: After the Shadow from the east comes out of the shadows, choose and discard 1 attached attachement in play. Then, if it's summer, return the shadow from the east to it's owner's hand.

Flea Bottom Scavenger (Character, Martell) - 3x
Cost 2
Strength 1. Intrigue.
Response: After playing this card from your hand, draw 3 cards if you don't have any power counters on your house card.

Lost Oasis (Location, Martell) - 3x
Cost 2
The South
Challenges: Kneel Lost Oasis so one martell character from your choosing gets stealth and "after this characters ignores a defender using stealth, kneel that character" until the end of the phase.

*The Hound (Character, Neutral)- 1x
Cost 3
Strength 4. Military
No attachements except weapon.
Response: After you play this card from your hand, kneel every knight in play.

Twilight Market (Location, Neutral) - 3x
Cost 0 King's landing. Limited.
Marshalling: Kneel Twilight marked to reduce by 1 the cost of the next card you play from your hand to the shadows in this phase.

Condemned by the Council (Event))- 1x
Small Council
Response: After you win an INT challenge choose a location controlled by the losing opponent. If it has the Shadows crest return it to shadows, otherwise discard it.

City of Sin (Plot)- 1x
When revelaed, choose and kneel up to x characters, X is the number of City plots in your used pot pile.

Nakonec ještě uvádím odkazy na Španělské obrázky:
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29. Červen 2009 - 22:27.
Tak tento CP je už k dostání.
Článek je zde.