Princes of the Sun - seznam karet

Tak vydání toho Martellského rozšíření se blíží kvapem a tak nám už i FFG dovolila nahlídnout na další karty co nás čekají. Vypadá to že si Martellové zasloužili pěknou mechaniku, kdy discartované karty z ruky nejsou do discardu ale na stůl. Vypadá to velmi silně tak uvidíme.
Španěské spoilery budou určitě již brzy. Tak zatím sem dávám karty o kterých víme:

Komplet seznam i s tím, zda se jedná o novou kartu nebo reprint

(by Dandali)


Taste for Blood (Martell) reprint - ason C77
Cost: 1
Attached character gets +1 STR.
Response: After you lose a challenge as the defender, attached character claims 1 power.

Locked Away (Martell) - new
Cost: 0
Any Phase: Kneel 1 influence to have attached character lose 1 icon of your choice until the end of the phase.

[U] Formal Petition (Neutral) - reprint AFoD R91
Cost: 3
Condition. Decree.
Attach to your House card.
Limit 1 per House card.
You need 2 fewer power in order to win the game.

Court Advisor (Neutral) - reprint I&F C
Cost: 1
After you play Court Advisor, draw 1 card.
Attached character gains an [Intrigue] icon.

The Art of Diplomacy (Neutral) - reprint FKE C
Cost: 0
Attached character gains a [Power] icon.
While any revealed plot card has the Power Struggle trait, attached character gets +4 STR.

Rusted Sword (Neutral) - reprint - AHoTh C
Cost: 1
Item. Weapon.
Attached character gets +2 STR and gain a [Military] icon.
Any Phase: Kneel 1 influence to attached Rusted Sword from your hand to a character you control.

A Pinch of Powder (Neutral) - new
Cost: s0
Item. Weapon.
After A Pinch of Powder comes out of Shadows, attach it to a character.
Limited Response: After you win an Intrigue or Power challenge by 3 or more STR, return the attached character to its owner’s hand. Then, you may kneel 3 influence to return A Pinch of Powder to Shadows. (Limit 1 limited response per round.)
Card design by 2008 AGoT Joust World Champion, Lucas Reed.


Dornish Fiefdoms (Martell) - reprint
Cost: 1
Marshalling: Kneel Dornish Fiefdoms to lower the cost of the next Martell card you play this phase by 1.
[1 Influence]

[U]Lord Doran’s Chambers (Martell) - reprint
Cost: 1
You may choose to play Lord Doran’s Chambers as an attachment to your House card.
[+1 Gold] [1 Influence]

Summer Sea (Martell/Targaryen) - reprint
Cost: 0
Marshalling: Discard Summer Sea from play to reduce the cost of the next Targaryen or Martell character you play this phase by 2.
[1 Influence]

Palace Fountains (Martell) - reprint - ACoS C
Cost: 0
Marshalling: Kneel Palace Fountains to reduce the cost of the next Martell card you play this phase by 1.

Water Garden (Martell) - reprint - ACoS C
Cost: 0
[+1 Gold]

[U]Dorne (Martell) - new
Cost: 3
Marshalling: Kneel Dorne to choose 1 Trait. Until the end of the phase, reduce the gold cost for you to marshall cards with that Trait by 1.

[U]The Old Palace (Martell) - new
Cost: 1
Characters without an Intrigue icon cannot declare stealth.

[U]The Spear Tower (Martell) - new
Cost: 1
Characters without a Military icon get -1 STR.

[U]Tower of the Sun (Martell) - new
Cost: 1
Characters without a Power icon cannot claim power for renown.


Battle of Oxcross - reprint
Gold: 4
Initiative: 3
Claim: 1
Military Battle. At the end of the challenge phase, each player who has not won a Military challenge must choose and kill 1 character he or she controls.

Let My Porridge Fly - reprint
Gold: 3
Initiative: 0
Claim: 1
Intrigue Gambit. After you win an Intrigue challenge, choose and discard 1 attachment from play.

Threat from the North - reprint
Gold: 2
Initiative: 4
Claim: 1
All characters get -1 STR and are discarded from play (cannot be saved) if their STR is 0.

The Red Wedding - oproti původní verzi přidán trait
Gold: 4
Initiative: 3
Claim: 1
Power Struggle. When revealed, the opponent to your left chooses 1 Lord and 1 Lady character, if able. Then, you must choose and kill 1 of those characters. The other claims 2 power.

Attack from the Sea - reprint - westeros U
Gold: 4
Initiative: 5
Claim: 1
When revealed, kneel all locations.

Alliance - reprint - westeros U, I&F F
Gold: 4
Initiative: 3
Claim: 1
You may play cards from other Houses without paying a gold penalty.

To the Spears! - reprint - ACoS R
Gold: 3
Initiative: 0
Claim: 1
House Martell only.
Characters you control do not kneel to attack this round.

Dual-house and neutral characters

[U] Joffrey Baratheon (Baratheon/Lannister) - téměř reprint, ale odebrali mu crest
Cost: 2
STR: 2
Response: After a Small Council event is played, kneel 3 influence or kneel 1 Noble character to choose and discard from play 1 character with 1 or more power on it.

[U] Brienne of Tarth (Stark/Baratheon) - repritnt
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, P
While Brienne of Tarth is participating in a challenge, opponents cannot trigger effects.

[U] Theon Greyjoy (Greyjoy/Stark) - reprint
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, P
Lord. Ironborn.
After any player loses a challenge by 4 or more total STR, he or she names either “character” or “location,” then chooses and discards from play (cannot be saved) 1 card of the named type he or she controls, if able.

[U] Ser Jorah Mormont (Stark/Targaryen) - reprint
Cost: 2
STR: 3
M, I, P
Knight. Traitor.
After Ser Jorah Mormont leaves play, all characters you control get -1 STR until the end of the phase.

[U] The Hound (Stark/Lannister) - reprint
Cost: 1
STR: 4
No attachments except Weapon.
After a character’s STR is lowered, return The Hound to his owner’s hand.

[U] Ser Aerys Oakheart (Lannister/Martell) - reprint
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, P
Knight. Kingsguard.
No attachments except Weapon.
Response: After Ser Aerys Oakheart comes into play, choose and discard 1 Ally or Mercenary character from play.

[U] Denys Mallister (Neutral) - reprint
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, P
Night’s Watch.
No attachments.
Any Phase: Kneel 1 influence to choose 1 Night’s Watch character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets +1 STR.

[U] Mag the Mighty (Neutral) - reprint
Cost: 4
STR: 4
Challenges: Kneel 1 influence to choose 1 Wildling character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets +1 STR.

Kingsguard Squire (Neutral) - reprint
Cost: 1
STR: 1
Any Phase: Kneel Kingsguard Squire to choose and stand 1 Kingsguard character.

Former Champion (Neutral) - new
Cost: 3
STR: 5
Renown. Former Champion gets -2 STR for each power on him.
While Former Champion has 3 or less STR, he gains a Power icon and deadly.
While Former Champion has 1 or less STR, he gains an Intrigue icon and stealth.
Card design by the 2008 AGoT overall World Champion, Tzu-Mainn Chen.


Blood for Blood - reprint - ACoS C
Response: After 1 of your Martell characters is killed, choose and kill 1 character with equal or lower STR. (Limit 1 per phase.)

He Calls It Thinking - reprint - ASoN C
House Martell only.
Response: Cancel the effects of a response without an influence cost. Then, attach He Calls It Thinking to a Martell character (counts as a Boon attachment with the text “Attached character gets +2 STR.”).

The Prince’s Wrath - reprint - VE U
House Martell only.
Challenges: Kneel 1 influence to choose 1 character. Until the end of the phase, that character loses a military, an intrigue, and a power icon.

Someone Always Tells - reprint - FKE R
House Martell only.
Response: After you lose dominance, kneel 2 influence to return all standing characters to their owner’s hands.

Scheming on the Sand - new
House Martell only.
Plot: Kneel 5 influence or 2 Noble characters to choose and reveal a new plot card. (If it is Summer, you may play Scheming on the Sand during the Challenge phase.)

Red Vengeance - new
House Martell only.
Response: After you lose a challenge as the defender, kneel 2 influence to cancel the claim effect of that challenge. Then, choose an opponent to satisfy the claim of that challenge as if he or she had lost the challenge as the defender.

Parting Blow - reprint - FKE U
Response: After a character you control leaves play, choose and kneel 1 character controlled by an opponent. Then, draw 1 card.

Wars Are Won with Quills - reprint - ITE C
Response: After you win an Intrigue challenge by 4 or more total STR, choose a challenge type. Until the end of the phase, the losing opponent cannot attack or defend during that challenge type. Limit 1 per phase.

Make an Example - reprint - WNE R
Response: After you win a challenge and count 8 or more total STR, claim 3 power for your House. (Limit 1 per phase.)

The Dragon’s Tail - new (ale podobná je z westerosu)
Marshalling: Choose 1 opponent. You and that opponent each draw 2 cards.

When I Woke… - new
Response: After a Military challenge resolves, kneel 1 influence to have the losing player choose 1 participating character and put that character on top of its owner’s deck.
Card designed by the 2008 AGoT Melee World Champion, Tzu-Mainn Chen.

Martellské charaktery

[U] The Red Viper (Martell) - téměř reprint VE, přidán crest
Cost: 5
STR: 3
M, I, P
Renown. Immune to events and character abilities.
The Red Viper does not kneel to attack an opponent who controls more characters than you.

[U] Doran Martell (Martell) - new
Cost: 4
STR: 2
I, P
If a player loses a challenge as the attacker, that player must fulfill the claim of that challenge, using the Claim value on the defending player’s plot card.

[U] Arianne Martell (Martell) - téměř reprint ACoS, ale přidaný crest
Cost: 4
STR: 3
I, P
While Arianne Martell is attacking, raise the Claim value on your revealed plot card by 1.

[U] Darkstar (Martell) - new
Cost: 4
STR: 3
M, I
Knight. House Dayne.
House Martell only.
Vengeful. Renown.
If Darkstar would be discarded from your hand or deck, put him into play instead.

[U] Areo Hotah (Martell) - reprint
Cost: 4
STR: 4
M, P
Response: After you lose a challenge by 4 or more total STR, kneel Areo Hotah to choose and kill 1 character.

[U] Sarella Sand (Martell) - new
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, I
Bastard. Sand Snake.
Response: After you lose a challenge in which Sarella Sand participated as an attacker, kneel 1 influence to choose and stand 1 participating character.

[U] Ellaria Sand (Martell) - reprint WNE, ale přidáno vengeful
Cost: 3
STR: 3
I, P
Response: After you lose a challenge, move 1 power from any character to Ellaria Sand.

[U] Harmen Uller (Martell) - téměř reprint - ASoN U, přidán trait Lord
Cost: 3
STR: 3
M, P
Lord. Ally.
While you have 7 or more cards in your hand, Harmen Uller does not kneel to attack.

House Messenger (Martell) - reprint - WNE U
Cost: 2
STR: 2
After you play House Messenger from your hand, reveal the top 2 cards of your deck to all players. Then, put 1 of those cards into your hand, and the other on the bottom of your deck.

House Dayne Knight (Martell) - reprint ACoS C
Cost: 1
STR: 1
M, I
Knight. House Dayne.

Paramour (Martell) - reprint
Cost: 1
STR: 1
[1 Influence]

Lord Edric’s Knight (Martell) - reprint - WNE U
Cost: 2
STR: 2
Knight. House Dayne.

House Dayne Skirmisher (Martell) - reprint ASoN C
Cost: 3
STR: 2
M, I
House Dayne.
No attachments.
Any Phase: Kill House Dayne Skirmisher (cannot be saved) to draw 1 card. Then, each opponent chooses and discards 1 card from his or her hand.

Orphan of the Greenblood (Martell) - téměř reprint ITE U, ale tady snížena síla na 0
Cost: 0
STR: 0
Any Phase: Discard Orphan of the Greenblood from play (cannot be saved) to choose 1 character. Until the end of the phase, that character loses a Military, an Intrigue, and a Power icon.

The Viper’s Bannermen (Martell) - reprint - ASoN R
Cost: 7
STR: 7
M, P
No attachments. Deadly. Stealth.
Response: After The Viper’s Bannermen comes into play or leaves play, reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, then put them into your hand.

House Dayne Reserves (Martell) - new
Cost: 8
STR: 6
M, I, P
Army. House Dayne.
House Martell only. No attachments.
If House Dayne Reserves is discarded from your hand for the claim of an Intrigue challenge, put it into play instead of your discard pile.
Any Phase: Kneel 1 influence to return House Dayne Reserves to its owner’s hand.


tak tento "nový" plot budou mít rádi asi všichni starkové a taky to trochu zamíchá se swarm (weenie) decky jak je známe, otravní carrion birdi už nebudou tak otravní, a greyjoy save bude o něco horší, co na to říkate?

Jen připomínka...Joffrey Baratheon není reprint (ne přesný). Teď nemá Noble crest...:(

nepřesnosti pochopitelně nejsou vyloučeny, za upozornění děkuji i do budoucna
ale tohleto je tedy špatně - bez crestu je to nic moc Joff