5. CP - Secrets and Spies

1.10 aktualizováno - kompletní anglické spoilery (nikoliv překlad ze španělštiny)

Jeyne Poole (F81 x1)
Unique Stark character
Cost = 0
STR = 0
Icons = Int
Traits = Ally
Response: Discard Jeyne Poole from play to cancel the triggered effect of a card that just came out of Shadows.

Cannot be Bribed, Cannot be Bought (F82 x3)
Response: After a character is knelt by an opponent’s card effect, stand that character. Then, that character claims 1 power and you draw a card.

Qyburn (F83 x1)
Unique Lannister character
Cost = s1
STR = 2
Icons = Int, Pow
Traits = Maester
Crest = Shadows
House Lannister only. Deadly.
Response: After Qyburn comes out of Shadowsm choose a non-Army character in an opponent’s dead pile. Put that character into play under your control. If that character is still in play at the end of the phase, return it to its owner’s dead pile.

Littlefinger (F84 x1)
Unique Lannister/Stark character
Cost = 5
STR = 3
Icons = Int, Pow
Traits = Lord, Ally
Crest = Noble
Stealth. No Condition attachments.
Littlefinger does not kneel to attack.
Reduce the cost to play Littlefinger by 1 for each card in Shadows.

Death by Payne (F85 x1)
House Lannister only.
Response: After a character triggers its character ability, kneel Ser Ilyn Payne or a NOBLE to kill that character.

Knight of Flowers (F86 x1)
Unique Baratheon character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Mil, Pow
Traits = Lord, Knight, House Tyrell
If there are no cards in Shadows, Knight of Flowers does not kneel to attack or defend.

Small Council Chamber (F87 x1)
Unique Baratheon Location
Cost = s1
Traits = King’s Landing
Crest = Shadows
House Baratheon only.
After you win an (Intrigue) challenge, Small Council Chamber goes into Shadows.
Response: After Small Council Chamber comes out of Shadows, return a Small Council event from your discard pile to your hand.

Ancient Mariner (F88 x3)
Greyjoy character
Cost = 2
STR = 4
Icons = Mil, Pow
Traits = Ironborn
Ancient Mariner gets -3 STR during (Military) challenges.

Shore Leave (F89 x3)
House Greyjoy only.
Challenges: Kneel 1 influence to choose and stand a kneeling character. Until the end of the phase, that character cannot be declared as an attacker or defender.

King’s Landing Assassin (F90 x3)
Targaryen character
Cost = s2
STR = 2
Icons = Mil, Pow
Traits = Ally
Crest = Shadows
House Targaryen only
Response: After King’s Landing Assassin comes out of Shadows, choose a character with no attachments. Until the end of the phase, that character gets -2 STR and is killed if its STR is 0.

Shadow Prophet (F91 x3)
Targaryen character
Cost = s0
STR = 3
Icons = Int
Traits = Asshai
Crest = Shadows
House Targaryen only
Response: After Shadow Prophet comes out of Shadows, you may look at 1 card in Shadows controlled by each opponent,

Visenya’s Hill (F92 x3)
Unique Targaryen location
Cost = 1
Traits = King’s Landing
Any Phase: Kneel Visenya’s Hill to choose 1 character card in any discard pile and move that card to its owner’s dead pile.

Aegon’s Legacy (F93 x3)
House Targaryen only.
Dominance: Choose a character without attachments. Until the end of the phase, that character gets –X STR and is killed if its STR is 0. X is the number of cards currently in Shadows.

Dornish Diplomat (F94 x3)
Martell character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Pow
Traits = Ally
Response: After you win a (Power) challenge in which Dornish Diplomat participated, choose and stand a character controlled by an opponent. Then, choose and stand a character you control.

The Broken Spear (F95 x3)
Martell attachment
Cost = 1
Traits = Weapon
Any Phase: Kneel The Broken Spear to choose attached character. Until the end of the phase, that character either gains or loses a (Military) icon.

Backroom Bribery (F96 x3)
Cost = s0
Crest = Shadows
House Martell only.
Response: After Backroom Bribery comes out of Shadows, choose an opponent. Move 1 gold from that player’s gold pool to yours.

Varys (F97 x 1)
Unique neutral character
Cost = s1
STR = 3
Icons = Int, Pow
Traits = Lord, Ally
Crest = Shadows
Stealth. After Varys comes out of Shadows, choose and discard 1 Ally character from play.

Ser Osmund Kettleblack (F98 x1)
Unique neutral character
Cost = 3
STR = 3
Icons = Mil
Traits = Knight, Kingsguard
Crests = War
No attachments except Weapon
Challenges: Kneel Ser Osmund Kettleblack to choose a defending character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets +2 STR (+4 STR instead if that character has the Kingsguard trait).

King’s Landing (F99 x1)
Unique neutral location
Cost = s2
Traits = King’s Landing
Crest = Shadows
After a card comes out of Shadows, stand King’s Landing.
Any Phase: Kneel King’s Landing to draw a card. Use this ability only if you control more King’s Landing locations than each opponent.

City of Spies (F100 x 1)
Gold = 4
Initiative = 3
Claim = 1
Traits = City
When revealed, look at the top X cards of any player’s deck, discard one of those cards, and put the rest on top of that deck in any order. X is the number of City plots in your used pile.


První tři karty se mně osobně moooooc libí a varys je bezpochyby taky krásně hratelný.
Go Shadow Lanister GOOOO! :-)

vzhledem k úpravám seznamu a doplnění dříve chybějících karet se jejich pořadí změnilo a Herb komentoval karty 83, 84 a 85 :)